Holistic Health Traveler

Start Your Journey to Better Health & Wellbeing Through Wellness Travel

Wellness Travel Coaching 

Gold-Certified Wellness Travel Advisor

for women over 40



Holistic Health Meets Curated Wellness Travel Planning & Coaching for Women Over 40

Have you spent heaps of money on a wellness vacation that fell short because it doesn’t align with your personal health & wellness goals?

At Holistic Health Traveler, the mission is to curate life-changing wellness travel experiences for women over 40, paired with comprehensive health coaching.

Discover the difference with Holistic Health Traveler—a seamless fusion of personalized health coaching and expertly curated wellness travel.

Unlike typical travel agents, we offer a holistic approach that begins with a deep understanding of your unique health needs and goals.

Our certified health coaches guide you through a journey that not only relaxes and rejuvenates but also empowers you to integrate wellness into your everyday life, long after your trip has ended.

Experience a travel transformation that’s as unique as are, where every aspect of your journey is designed to support your total well-being.

Women Lounging in a pool


Orange detox drink in a glass with flowers




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Holistic Health and Wellness

Travel on Purpose

Taking a holistic approach to wellness travel is essential for women over 40, but what does that mean in practical terms?

It means getting clear on your health & well-being goals, then curating a personalized experience designed with the individual woman in mind – to nourish her well-being while considering the interconnectedness of her mind, body, and soul.

Travel coaching helps clients to connect all of the dots while guiding them to understand the deeper meaning of their travel experiences. 



What is Travel Coaching?


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