Traveling, with its unique ability to foster personal growth and self-awareness, has a profound way of helping us discover who we truly are. It’s not just about stepping out of our comfort zones or immersing ourselves in new cultures. Every journey, every new experience, shapes us and teaches us something new about ourselves. Whether it’s finding the courage to try new things (zip lining through the Costa Rican jungle, anyone?) or gaining a fresh perspective on life, mindful travel is the ultimate self-discovery experience that can enlighten and inspire us to reflect on our journey of self-discovery.

It’s important to understand that each mindful travel journey will come with its share of surprises. Not all self-discovery leads you to uncover that you’re an amazing salsa dancer or you can paint a masterpiece on the first try. Some self-discovery uncovers parts of ourselves that need healing. Still yet, we can uncover parts of ourselves that we want to improve like how patient or compassionate we are.

All self-discovery is worthwhile because it allows us to view ourselves through a lens of curiosity. So, why not start your own self-discovery journey today? Reflect on your experiences, both good and bad, and see what you can learn about yourself. Here are a few ways that mindful travel will allow you to do just that.

Step outside of your comfort zone

Challenge yourself to try new experiences during your next trip. Whether it’s simply trying new cuisine, engaging in new-to-you outdoor activities, or conversing with a local about the best-hidden gems in their town, you’re bound to find out a little more about yourself each time you do. Stepping out of your comfort zone can help you uncover hidden strengths and capabilities you never knew you had.

When I traveled to Iceland, I pushed myself outside my comfort zone by saying yes to hiking on a glacier. As I donned by crampons, helmet, and 3-point harness, I had a momentary “what the hell am I doing?” moment. My body was already aching from days of hiking along the rim of a volcano (another comfort zone push), but something inside me knew I wanted to go even when I was cold and tired.

Was it for the view from the top? Nope. Not at all, even though it was spectacular. It was for the journey. It was to embrace the experience. It was so the future me could look back at the younger me and smile, knowing I pushed myself. And you know what I discovered? That I could. I could climb a glacier. I could overcome my fear. I could experience life from a different vantage point. And boy did it feel good.

Mindful travel, solo-style

Setting off on a solo adventure, whether it’s a full-fledged trip or a solitary escapade within a group excursion, can be a transformative journey of self-exploration. Solo travel provides a unique platform for introspection, self-reliance, and personal growth, often untapped when traveling as a couple or in a group. It’s an opportunity to discover the beauty of your own company and the potential for personal development that lies within! It’s the most intimate mindful travel experience.

If you don’t spend much time alone, a solo experience may at first seem scary. My advice is to embrace the fear and challenge yourself to feel it and do it anyway. One way to ease into solo travel is to start with a day trip to a nearby city or town. This allows you to experience solo travel in a familiar environment.

Our reptilian brain uses fear to keep us safe, but with it also comes regret. No one ever gets to the end of their life wishing they had experienced less or played smaller. Follow your gut and don’t do anything reckless. But do question whether your fear is coming from a place of unfamiliarity or a genuine safety concern. There’s an enormous difference between the two.

If you want to get past your solo traveling fears, consider travel coaching as a path toward creating the best possible experience for your needs.

Learn something new

One of my favorite ways to discover myself during travel is to seek out new experiences. Whether it’s enrolling in a cooking class, attending a cultural workshop, or participating in a free walking tour, I love to expand my skills and knowledge. Learning something new during travel ignites curiosity, sparks creativity, and uncovers hidden passions within me.

On a recent trip to Cozumel, I attended a cultural experience called Pueblo Del Maiz, a recreation of an ancient Mayan Village. Strolling through this interactive village, I embraced a deeper understanding of how ancient cultures laid the foundation for so much of what we do today. From grinding cacao beans into chocolate to grinding maize (corn) to make tortillas, nature was an essential element to the Mayans. And that brings me to my next favorite mindful travel self-discovery tool…

Seek self-discovery and healing in nature

In our ever fast-paced urban way of life, we often go weeks or even months without spending downtime in nature. Nature has a way of grounding us. When we stop to connect with nature, we often find that it helps us to connect with our inner selves. The natural world has a way of inspiring reflection and personal growth.

Nature experiences can range from hiking in the mountains to strolling along the seashore to watching a sunset from a bench outside. They don’t have to be fancy, they don’t need to require specific equipment, and they come free of cost. Grounding or earthing, an ancient practice, involves simply placing our bare feet on the ground. This allows the earth to transfer free electrons to the human body. Our planet has a negative charge that helps the body reduce pain, improve immune response, and improve the quality of sleep.

Connecting with the locals

One of the best ways to broaden your worldview is by connecting with locals. Engaging in traditional celebrations or traditions or simply listening to their stories opens our minds to how similar we truly are as human beings. It offers an opportunity to share experiences from different perspectives and often leads to forging meaningful connections that go well beyond a single travel experience.

Broadening your view of the people who share our planet is deeply gratifying. As we open our minds to the beauty of those who look different than we do and embrace their humanness, we deepen our own self-awareness in such a profound way. This is the ultimate in self-discovery. And I can’t think of anything more healing to Mother Earth than embracing all her inhabitants.

Colleen O’Neill Mulvihill